tirsdag 31. januar 2012

Its a new Year

A wonderful evening with friends.

What will it bring?

Wedding cards

Teared up and happy!
What a blast to go through wedding cards!!
Thank you guys. xoxo

Home of the Viking

 We went for a lovely walk!
The ocean and wind has been fierce lately, and guess what we found?
Maybe its an OLD viking House!
Or shipwreck....

 Cold winter weather
My hubby <3

fredag 20. januar 2012


Had a good day, by the sea.
My hubby out there, enjoying himself.

lørdag 14. januar 2012


Sooo cold out, you need to dress warmly!

torsdag 12. januar 2012


I    L O V E when i get packages!
It feels like Christmas.

tirsdag 10. januar 2012

Summer. I miss you

Good times, with good friends!
I LOVE summer!

mandag 9. januar 2012

the search is over

A wonderful day!
Volcano sand beach with a beautiful sunset.
Our friend Anders on his way to ride a sick wave!


søndag 8. januar 2012


Thank you for a wonderful day!

fredag 6. januar 2012

Find love by the Sea

Smokey Taboo

the big blue

My husband out there. Getting his surf on.
What a beautiful day that was!
Love Nature

torsdag 5. januar 2012

Purple Haze

Somebody That I Used To Know

This song goes out to the ups and downs of 2011...
Mostly the downs...

tirsdag 3. januar 2012

Happy New Year?


We`ll find out this year..
If they were right!

Woman Makes Fire